Soymilk - A Healthy Delight

Soybean is one of the nature’s most important nutritional gifts. It is one of the very few plants that provide a complete protein source and it has high quality protein with minimum saturated fat. Soybean help people feel better & live longer with an enhanced quality of life.  Soybeans contain all three of the macronutrients required for good nutrition: complete protein, carbohydrate and fat, as well as vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, calcium, potassium and iron.  Soybean is the only pant that contains complete protein. Soybean protein provides eight amino acids in the amounts needed for human health. The amino acid pattern of soy protein is virtually equivalent in quality to that of meat, milk and egg protein. Soybeans are most valued nutritionally for their unsaturated fatty acids, protein and fiber content.

Soy Protein Quality

The protein quality is the other important aspect of any particular protein.  There has been a long-standing misconception that soy protein is inferior to protein from animal sources.  This misunderstanding is mainly due to the criteria routinely used to evaluate protein quality. A Joint Expert Consultation of FAO and WHO in 1989 recommended a unique method, protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), instead of protein efficiency ratio (PER) for evaluating protein quality.  This new method, which is based on human amino acid requirements, puts soy protein at par with milk and egg protein and above beef protein. 


Soymilk when extracted from soybean by using modern technologies can be made to taste great while containing all the nutrition of soybean.  Although it does not taste like dairy milk it has its own good taste, just as coffee does not taste like tea.  Soymilk can be handled and used much in the same way as dairy milk. Besides being rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, soymilk is lactose free, cholesterol free and low in saturated fat.  It presents a highly digestive and nutritious alternative to dairy and meat centered diets.  Besides making tofu, soymilk can be converted into hot and cold beverages, fruit shakes, yogurt, ice cream, or can be used directly into cooking.  Experts predict the soy food industry will grow 20% annually over the next few years.  Soymilk sales alone rose 50% in 2000 and are expected to grow at least another 300% by the year 2005.

Soymilk is available in bottles, poly packs and bulk also.  Bulk and poly packed soymilk needs to be refrigerated.  Bottled milk is usually sterilized and does not require refrigeration but it should be served chilled for best taste.  Soymilk in any condition should not be frozen since it curdles after thawing.

Health benefits of using soymilk: As per the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”: “It can be concluded that soy protein can serve as a sole protein source in all human beings except premature infants”.  The protein present in soymilk and tofu is the most balanced protein for human consumption.  It contains all the eight essential amino acids required for the body from the dietary source.  This protein is as good as the protein derived from animal sources. 

In Japan people consume 50 – 80 gms of soybean daily in their diet in various forms, and the average life span of Japanese is higher than any other country.  This proves its nutritional quality.

Lactose intolerance: More than 50% of the Indian population is not able to properly digest dairy milk, which leads to a lot of abdominal problems including embarrassing flatulence. 
While lactose intolerance may exist in children, it becomes problematic with age as our digestive system reduces production of lactase enzyme necessary for breaking down lactose in dairy milk.  Soymilk and tofu is the most ideal food for people suffering from this problem. 

Heart disease: It has been established through various studies that daily consumption of soy protein in certain amount lowers blood cholesterol level and reduces the risk of heart disease.  The United States Food and Drug Administration recognizes the cholesterol lowering effect of soy protein and permits the following claim on foods containing 6.25gm or more soy protein: “25 gm. of soy protein in a day as a part of diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease”.  100 gm of tofu and 200 ml of soymilk provide approx. 15 and 6 gm of soy protein respectively.  

Osteoporosis and Menopause: Osteoporosis refers to the development of porous or spongy bones that leads to hip and other fractures, especially in women.  Studies have shown that higher the intake of animal protein, higher is the risk of hip fracture.  The reason is that animal protein causes a huge increase in the amount of calcium excreted through the urine.  Soy protein causes calcium to be better utilized to minimize the risk of osteoporosis.  Also, consumption of soy foods decreases menopausal symptoms i.e., hot flashes, night sweats, pain in the lower back and muscle joints and other discomforts. 

Cancer: Isoflavones naturally present in soybean reduces prostate and the breast cancer risks.  Isoflavones also play an important role to protect the human body from various types of cancer, cardio vascular diseases, menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis. Jacobsen et al. in 1998 reported that frequent consumption of soymilk (more than once a day) reduces prostate cancer risk by 70%.

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