Saturday, September 25, 2010


Soya Paneer 
in Tray

My self

South vijayanarayanam,
Nanguneri Taluk,
Tirunelveli dist. 

                  I am an Electronics and communication Engineer worked in Audio,Video and CD Manufacturing Factories at some states in India and two countries in Abroad.When I was in Malaysia I got more idea about soy products,I came to know this is the best food medicine for Cancer.I opened this project for my wife.She is looking after all production activities.I am helping her for marketting.
This soy products are using in many products like Magnetic Tape,Biscuits and confectioneries items etc

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Soy milk

Soy milk (also called soya milk, soymilk, soybean milk, or soy juice) and sometimes referred to as soy drink/beverage is a beverage made from soybeans. A stable emulsion of oil, water, and protein, it is produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water. Soy milk contains about the same proportion of protein as cow's milk: around 3.5%; also 2% fat, 2.9% carbohydrate, and 0.5% ash. Soy milk can be made at home with traditional kitchen tools or with a soy milk machine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soy paneer

Soy paneer is an excellent food for children,elderly people and pregnant and lactating women as it is very nutritious and easy to digest.
Soy paneer has complete vegetable protein containingall nine essential amino acids
Soy paneer is a good source of calcium and helps to avoid osteoporosis[bone weakness]
Protein wise
250gms soybean is equal to
3lr  cow milk or
1 kg mutton or
24 eggs.


Soy Paneer[Tofu].

                    It is the most popular amoung  all the soymilk products.Tofu is a versatile food and can be converted in to a variety of value added products.Tofu easily takes the flavour of the product with which it is cooked.Tofu is a highly perishable product just as are the dairy products.Tofu makes traditional Indian dishes like 'matar paneer,palak paneer ,paratha and also snacks like soy burger,patties,sandwiches,tikka and pakora etc..It is also used for western style  main dishes,deserts,salad etc..

Friday, September 17, 2010


Health benefits of using soymilk and soy paneer.

As per the "American Journal of clinical Nutrition",Itcan be concluded that soy protein can serve as a sole protein source in all human beings except premature infants,.The protein present in it soymilk and soy paneer is the most balanced protein for human consumption.It contains all the nine essential amino acids required for the body from the dietry source.This is protein is as good as the protein derived from animal sources.
In Japan peoplecosume 50-80 gms of soybean daily in their diet in various forms,and the average life span of Japanese higher than any other country.This proves its nutritional quality.
Lactose intolerace more than 50% of the Indian population is not able to properly digest dairy milk,which leads to a lot of  abdominal problems including  embarrassing flatulence.While lactose intolerence may exist in children,it becomes problematic with age as our digestive system reduces production of lactose ,enzyme necessary for breaking down lactose in dairy milk.soymilk and soypaneer is the most ideal food for people suffering from this problem.
Heart disease has been established through various studies that daily consumption of soy protein in certain amount lowers blood cholesterol level and reduces the risk of heart disease.
100 gm of soy paneer and 200 ml soy milk provides approximately 15 and 8 gm of soy protein respectvely.
Osteoporosis and Menopause :
Osteoporosis refers to the development of porous or spongy bones that leads to hip and other fractures,especially in women. Studies have shown that higher the intake of animal protein,higher is the risk of hip fracture.The reason is that animal protein causes a huge increase in the amount of calcium excreted through the urine.Soy protein causescalcium to be better utilized to minimise  the risk of osteoporosis.Also cosumption of soy foods decreases menopausal symptoms ie hot flashes,night sweats,pain in the lower back and musscle joints and other discomforts.
Cancer:Isoflavones naturally presents in soybean reduces prostate and the breast cancer risks.Isoflavones also play an important role to protect the humen body from various  types of cancer.Cardi vascular diseases,menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Soy Baneer
Soya Bean, Soya Milk & Soya Paneer

Latest News

Soy food intake and risk of endometrial cancer among      Chinese women in Shanghai

It is known that Chinese women have significantly lower rates of endometrial cancer compared with Western women and lower rates of endometrial cancer may explained by soy. Endometrial cancer is an increasing problem in Western countries, mainly aggravated by obesity. Obese women have higher levels of natural estrogen because fat tissue also produces estrogens. Estrogens can increase the risk of endometrial cancer. According to a report of the May 29 issue of the British Medical Journal eating soy regularly reduces the risk of endometrial cancer by 30 percent to 40 percent among the women studied in Shanghai.

This protective effect of soy was particularly significant among obese women, who are at high risk for endometrial cancer. Soy foods may be protective because they are rich in isoflavones, which act like estrogen in the body but are not as potent as natural estrogen. Isoflavones alter the endogenous oestrogen concentrations by binding competitively to oestrogen receptors, thereby inhibiting important steroid biosynthetic enzymes, increasing the clearance of steroids from the circulation and stimulating the production of sex hormone binding globulin.

Professor Shu and her colleagues collected data from 982 Chinese women in Shanghai, aged between 30 and 69 years, and who were diagnosed with endometrial cancer and compared them with 846 healthy Chinese women. The researchers measured the amount of soy foods eaten over five years and the women's current body weight. In this study, the average intake of soy isoflavones was about 25 times more than Western women, whereas the incident rate of endometrial cancer is only one fifth to one third that in Western countries.

Because the number of women in the study was small, further research in a larger population is needed to confirm this finding.

Benefits of soy

There is no denying that soy has many health benefits. These health benefits are mainly coming form the quality of the soy proteins and form the isoflavones genistein and daidzein. Below you can find the main health benefits of soy.

Soy improves bone health

Soy products, such as soy milk, do not contain a lot of calcium but the soy isoflavones may help to reduce the osteoporosis risk. Several studies have suggested that soy isoflavones may be a factor in helping to prevent bone loss. The isoflavone genistein seems to inhibit bone breakdown and may have similar effects than estrogens in maintaining bone tissue. Soy can also indirectly improve bone health. Diets which are high in animal protein cause more calcium to be excreted in the urine. Replacing animal protein with soy protein may help to prevent calcium loss from the bones.

Soy relieves menopausal symptoms

Epidemiological data show that Asian women suffer less from hot flashes and night sweats compared to Western women. These symptoms of menopause are caused by low estrogen levels. Estrogens play a role in the body temperature control. Soy isoflavones can through their estrogen-like effect control these menopausal symptoms.

Soy reduces risk for heart diseases

In countries were soy products are ingested regularly, the rates of cardiovascular diseases is low. Research suggests that soy may help to prevent heart disease by reducing total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and preventing plaque buildup in the arteries, which could lead to stroke or heart attack. These health benefits are also mainly attributes to the soy isoflavones. The soy isoflavone genistein may also increase the flexibility of blood vessels.

Soy helps to prevent certain cancers

Several studies have indicated that a regular intake of soy foods may help to prevent hormone related cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

Soy is very nutritive

Soy products such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk are very rich in protein. This protein is of very high quality because it contains all essential amino acids. The amino acids of soy combine very well with the amino acids of cereals. The soy protein is therefore very important for vegans.
Soy is a good source of lecithin and vitamin E. These natural antioxidants prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Soy is rich in magnesium, which plays an important function for the bones, heart and arteries.

What are soybeans?


Soybeans belong to the legume family and are native to East Asia. They have been an important protein source in the Orient for over five thousand years. Soybeans have only been introduced to the Western world since the 20th century. Soybeans grow on a variety of soils and a wide range of climates, ranging form tropical Brazil to the snowy island Hokkaido in the north of Japan. As soybeans mature in the pod, they ripen into hard, dry beans. Although most soybeans are yellow, there are also rare varieties which are black, brown or green coloured. A given area of land planted with soybeans can produce much more protein than land planted with other crops, or if the land were used to raise cattle.
Storing soybeans - Fresh soybeans, or edamame, should be refrigerated and used within two days. Frozen edamame can be stored in the freezer for several months. Dried soybeans can be kept in an airtight container for a very long period.
Cooking soybeans - Soybeans are most often transformed in other foods such as tempeh, tofu, miso, shoyu, soy milk or other food ingredients. However, cooked soybeans can also be used as an ingredient in soups, sauces and stews. To prepare two cups of soybeans for cooking, soak them in about six cups of water for about eight hours. This soaking shortens the cooking time, improves the texture and appearance of the beans and removes some of the indigestible sugars. Drain, rinse and cook the soaked soybeans in about six cups of fresh water. Do not add salt at this point or it will delay the softening of the soybeans. Pressure-cook the soaked soybeans for about 40 min. When you cook soybeans, make it worth your while by cooking two or three times what you need and freezing the rest for later use.
Protein source - Whole soybeans are an excellent source of protein and dietary fibre. Soy protein is the only vegetable with a complete protein. Soy protein has recently attracted a lot of attention because of its ability to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. Results from research have prompted health professionals to request the government to officially give a stamp of approval for soy's cholesterol-lowering effects. The Food and Drug Administration approved the cholesterol-lowering health claim for soy, indicating that daily consumption of 25 grams of soy protein (6.5 grams of soy protein per serving) may lower LDL cholesterol.

What is tofu?

what is tofu

A staple in Asia for 2,000 years, tofu is known for its extraordinary nutritional benefits, as well as its versatility. Tofu, also known as soya curd, is a soft cheese-like food made by curdling soya milk with a coagulant. Tofu is a rather bland tasting product that easily absorbs the flavours of the other ingredients. Tofu is sold in water-filled packs or in aseptic cartons. Fresh tofu is usually packaged in water and should be refrigerated and kept in water until used. If the water is drained and changed daily, the tofu should last for one week. Tofu can be frozen for up to three months. Freezing will change its texture however, it will make the tofu slightly chewier.

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